Assistance for Veterans: History of United Service Organizations (USO)

Submitted by

Veterans & Family Services Office


Are you a veteran that uses the VA for Healthcare and has a disability rating less than 50 percent?

The VA now offers a co-pay waiver to Native Tribal Members that have disability ratings under 50 percent. If this applies to you, please make an appointment and we will assist with getting your paperwork completed to submit for the waiver. You will need to provide a copy of your Tribal enrollment card.


Please contact our office if you don’t have a tribal enrollment card and we can discuss other documentation that can be used.


United Service Organizations (USO):

On February 4, 1941, the USO was established. This year celebrates its 83rd birthday. The USO is a private non-profit organization that was established by six other non-profit organizations working with the Department of Defense. Active-duty WWII veterans were the first to benefit from this new organization.

The USO has more than 250 locations in countries around the world. Locations can be found on military installations, airports and major metro areas. Arizona has five locations: three near the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, and in Ft. Huachuca and Yuma.


Homelessness & Suicide Prevention:

If you are a homeless veteran or are aware of a homeless veteran, assistance is available! You may contact the VA Homeless Veteran Clinic (520) 629-1839, HUD-VASH (520) 629-1839, Arizona DVOP (Disabled Veteran Outreach Program for employment) (520) 509-3555 or BeConncted 866-429-8387.

In July 2022, the 988 Suicide and Crisis Hotline was established. This number is available to anyone in crisis simply by dialing 988. If you are a Veteran, you may call 988 then press 1 for the Veteran Crisis Hotline or text 838255.


The Veteran and Family Services Office can be reached at 520-610-5135.