FACE Program visits museum

March 4, 2016


Submitted by Carol Herbst


What an interesting adventure! On Thursday, Feb. 25, the Casa Blanca Community School FACE program ventured to Mesa and visited the i.d.e.a Museum. The 12 families who participated will tell you, the i.d.e.a. Museum engages the heart, mind, and spirit with a multitude of magically creative experiences.


Our visit began with the Artful Experience which is designed for ages 2-5 and consists of a book reading followed by both a related craft and related outdoor activities. Afterwards, families explored other areas of the museum on their own.


Favorite exhibits included: the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, Artville where the youngest visitors enjoyed unrestricted movement in a soft and safe shoeless environment, and the Underwater FantaSea exhibit where we viewed beautiful underwater art and created impressive art of our own.


The opportunities the i.d.e.a Museum provides supports FACE program goals in areas such as parent engagement with their children, early literacy, physical development and creative expression in a beautiful, inspiring environment.


FACE’s visit to the museum was a gift. Literally.   We received free admission and travel through a grant to the museum provided by our own Gila River Indian Community.  


Thank you, Gila River for the fabulous trip.   Psst…other Gila River early childhood programs...head to Mesa and the i.d.e.a. Museum!    


FACE Program families enjoy a day at the i.d.e.a. Museum.