Jr. Miss Gila River Brings Together GRIC Youth and Elders
Kyle Knox
Gila River Indian News
Jr. Miss Gila River Susanna Osife rounded out 2019 by hosting an elder and youth gathering centered around the theme of “Sharing Our Past and Our Future.” The Saturday, Dec. 28, event focused on the two generations, and is in keeping with an important part of her platform, which is to bring youth and elders together. The event took place at the District 2 Hashan-Kehk Service Center from 3 to 8 p.m.
The elders and youth engaged in several activities that encouraged conversation and communication between the two generations. Those activities consisted of O'otham Bingo, a conversational roundtable, and social dancing.
Of those activities, the main focus and goal of the event was the elder and youth roundtable discussion. Osife viewed this as the most important because, "it gave the two groups a chance to come together and converse about the Community, culture, and learn about each other." Walking among the tables and listening in, it was apparent that both groups were connecting and interested in the conversations taking place.
Osife said the event was successful and she accomplished an important goal during her reign.
"I feel like, for young people, it's important to know who we are and where we come from, and I feel like that it can help our young people grow as it's helped me for sure.”
Upon closing out the event, Osife said, "I received a lot of gratitude and thank you's from all parties in attendance." Many of the youth left excited, having learned new O'otham words and vocabulary from the O'otham Bingo. Those sentiments further encouraged Osife to know she did a job well done and that she met her intended goal of sharing and learning.
Osife attributes many to the success of her event and would like to acknowledge her parents, Miss Gila River Tyler Owens, Daryl Lynn Jay, June Shorthair, and the Hashan-Kehk Orioles Basket Dancers.