Tribal Education Department Hosts Sewing Classes
August 19, 2022
Emma Hughes
Community Newsperson
The Gila River Indian Community Tribal Education Department recently began hosting a six-session sewing course for beginners.
Held at the new District 3 Multipurpose building, the classes offer basic skills such as hand stitches and how to read patterns. Sewing machines are provide during the classes so that students can become familiar with them.
The class is offered to anyone who is looking for a new hobby or who wants to brush up on the basics. Assistant Culture Coordinator Tammy Histia leads the class and makes sewing easy to understand. This approach made it easy for everyone from all experience levels to enjoy.
Participants are given simple projects from a hand-sewn pin cushion then advancing to create a tote bag. The classes also supply students informational packets that provide basic sewing terms in both English and O’otham.
The classes will continue throughout the month of Aug. from 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays.
For more information, contact Tammy Histia or TED Culture Coordinator Anthony Gray at (520) 562-3662.