GRIC Employee’s First Novel Wins Reader Views’ Bronze Award in Fantasy

Velia Moncada

Gila River Indian News


Professionally speaking, Robert Russin has spent the past 23 years as the Community’s Financial Compliance Manager. But now it’s what Russin does away from his day job that is earning him recognition. His first novel, “Light Burns” – an imaginative tale smudging the connections between life and the afterlife, – recently earned the bronze award in Fantasy by the Reader Views Literary Awards.


“Back in October of 2013, my mother passed, and I had a, for lack of a better term, a vision or a religious experience that gave me the guidance for this book,” Russin said in a phone interview with the GRIN.


As Russin explains it, he recognized years ago that he had a talent for writing. However, the self-proclaimed “just a normal guy,” was reluctant to pursue the craft of story-making because it required digging into some strange experiences, still, he kept working, he says. It took him 10 years to write “Light Burns.”

“After I finished it and I really looked at it more critically, this book is about second chances,” said Russin, a Phoenix resident. “This is what a lot of people out there need is a second chance. … I’m hoping that this book might be the guide in that direction.”


Published in June 2023, by London-based Olympia Publishers, Russin’s novel focuses on Dawn Allegary, who is killed by lightning. As the book’s Amazon blurb explains, “Upon waking from her death, Dawn finds herself given another chance at life, her eternal life. However, this chance at a new beginning isn’t as easy as it might seem.”


Russin’s story follows a diverse cast of characters navigating the earth world from their earthly human selves into pulsating light beings confronting challenges, pursuing redemption, and uncovering the great interconnection of the universe.


So far, Russin’s exploration of the themes of existence, love and salvation has amassed six five-star reviews on Amazon, where it’s for sale in paperback for $11.99. The book is also available through Barnes and Noble.


“The author’s style is natural and easy, but there is a philosophical thread that runs throughout it,” said Tammy Ruggles, who reviewed “Light Burns” for Reader Views.  “The dialogue is engaging and realistic, which grounds the fantasy aspects nicely. I love how the author is able to blend the commonplace with the imaginative elements.”