Miss Gila River attends Blackwater Community School Award Ceremony

GRIN Staff

Gila River Indian News


On March 25, Miss Gila River Susanna Osife joined the Blackwater Community School (BWCS) for their quarterly award presentation at the school’s campus.

The event was held in front of the entire school and all grades to present awards to students for their educational achievements. Before Osife presented the awards, she gave a speech to the students in attendance, expressing the importance of education.


 The awards presented were the Character Counts award, the A/B Honor award, and the Principal Honors award, which highlights students’ traits inside and outside the classroom.


I had the chance to talk with Osife herself. She stated, “Being an alumni to this school I enjoyed my time to meet and encourage the young students to continue their education and the importance of it.”


The students and families were grateful for Osife’s presence and inspired by her visit. They lined up to take photos and expressed their appreciation for her time and message of encouragement.