Student Services host College Fair

Velia Moncada

Gila River Indian News


Gila River’s Student Services Department hosted a spring college fair at the Sacaton Head Start on March 22. Prospective students visited booths of several Arizona community colleges, universities, and vocational schools.


The school booths advertised their student programs and gave out promotional items to Community members as they explored the educational options offered through Student Services.


“We have a good mixture here of vocational, community colleges, and universities. We have something here for everybody,” said Jennifer Hinton, Student Services Adult Education Manager.


Hinton explained to the GRIN that the Community scholarship program is not just for youth graduating high school but for all Community members interested in pursuing their educational journeys.


“Some of these schools are schools Community members were interested in,” said Hinton, adding that the newest addition to the GRIC Higher Education Scholarship policy includes a revised list of vocational schools Community members can attend that were not able to before.


Vocational and Student Advisor Danielle Allen, District 3, visited the booths to gain more information for her students. She said that the new policy would give students more opportunities in education. However, if a former applicant has already utilized the program and received a degree, associate, or certificate through a community college or a university, they cannot apply again for funding to a vocational school, per the policy rules.


“We want you to go forward and not backwards,” said Allen.


A community member from District 4 and parent, Star Pratt, said she attended the college fair with her son Sky Pratt, District 4, to spark his interest in colleges. He will soon be graduating from high school, and she hopes he will go on to the following levels of schooling.  


“All these opportunities, hopefully we take advantage of more,” said Pratt.


For more information regarding the Higher Education Scholarship Program, visit the Tribal Education Department’s website at or call the Student Services office at (520) 562-3316.