Tribal Recreation and Wellness Hosts Fitness for GRIC Employees

Velia Moncada

Gila River Indian News


The Tribal Recreation and Wellness (TRW) Department hosted its annual Employee Health and Fitness Week (EHFW) from May 13 to 17. The event, held at the Sacaton Fairgrounds and the District 4 gymnasium, aimed to promote well-being among tribal employees through physical activities.

The week’s activities included Big Ball Volleyball, Cornhole/Chicken Throw, 3-Point Shootout Basketball, Tug of War, a Firefighter Challenge and more. The event encouraged both individual and group participation, fostering a culture of health and wellness across the Community.


“The activities we had, we went off what people liked last year,” said first-time EHFW coordinator Tristan Natinai, a TRW Fitness Instructor from District 3. Natinai noted that Chicken Scratch dancing was a new addition to this year’s tournament games.


Amber Moristo from District 6, representing the Procurement Warehouse Department, highlighted the Firefighter Challenge as her favorite activity, because she was able to challenge herself and bond with her co-workers.


“My team works pretty well together. It was a nice experience to be a part of a community event,” Moristo said in an interview.


The week concluded with a barbecue lunch for the EHFW participants at the Sacaton Fairgrounds. Awards were given to those who excelled in the competitions, both individually and as department teams.


For more information about the Tribal Recreation and Wellness department, please contact or (520)562-2026.