Gila River Sand & Gravel Gets Pink Tractor for Breast Cancer Awareness

Velia Moncada
Gila River Indian News


In a heartwarming gesture meant to bring more awareness to breast cancer, Gila River Sand & Gravel (GRSG) has received a new addition to their machinery: a bright pink front-loading tractor adorned with the familiar pink ribbon that symbolizes breast cancer.


The GRSG team was approached by the Empire Corporation, which manufactures heavy machinery, to honor the Breast Cancer Awareness with the pink 988 front loader, decorated with the pink ribbon logo. The machine was delivered to GRSG’s main offices in Sacaton on April 22nd.


“A lot of our employees, including myself, have family members or relatives that suffer from this affliction, so that’s why we are participating,” said Mike Morago, the Chief Executive Officer of GRSG.


The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) research estimates that more than 310,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. The disease will claim the lives of an about 42,000 women in 2024, according to the NCI.


 Morago said that the workers on site have been admiring the new machinery and are excited to utilize the vibrant tractor that serves as a beacon of hope. He also says that the tractor will be decorated with the O’otham man in the maze symbol and the GRSG logo in the coming months.


The eye-catching machinery will be utilized to extract material from the GRSG mine site for processing. The GRSG team has embraced the pink tractor, using it as a tool to spread awareness and symbolize solidarity with those affected by breast cancer.